
Twitter is now launching several new features for its live audio Spaces product this week. The microblogging platform is giving hosts and co-hosts on iOS and Android access to analytics about their Spaces. For example, hosts and co-hosts can now obtain details about how many total live listeners tuned in to the broadcast, how many times it was replayed and how many people spoke during the Space.


The New Analytics by Twitter Spaces Will Bring in More Audiences


The new analytics feature in Twitter Spaces was first launched as a test available to a select number of hosts in March but is now available to all hosts and co-hosts on the platform. Access to analytics will make it easier for hosts to develop their audio content and see how many people they’re reaching. In addition, Twitter is testing a feature that will tweet out a Space card once hosts start a Space. Twitter says the new feature will make it easier for users to engage with and share Spaces


The platform further states that the new feature, which is now launching on both iOS and Android, should make it easier for users to see and partake in conversations. With this new feature, hosts will no longer have to manually link to their Spaces in a tweet to promote it when starting one. Twitter is also making it easier for users to learn more about the Spaces they see at the top of their timeline. 


Android Users Will Now See More Details About the Hosts


Presently, the purple card that appears at the top of your timeline doesn’t give you that much information about a specific Space. Starting today, some users on Android will see more information on the Space bar, including particulars about who’s hosting, what topics are involved, who’s shared a tweet, and more.


Read more: Twitter Begins Testing Clipping Tool for Spaces


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