Twitter Communities

Twitter is said to launch a feature soon termed ” Communities”. Back in February, Twitter previewed a feature that would allow you to send a tweet to a selected audience group instead of sharing it with everybody. The feature will help you categorize the selected audience as per your choice.

According to SocialMediaToday, The new feature will let users share tweets consisting of particular news with the selected audience without worrying about the audience getting bored, that is not interested. Also, The user won’t have to worry about creating multiple profiles to share the relevant posts with relevant audiences.

The communities feature of Twitter will be more like Facebook’s group feature that allows users to share tweets in a more private manner, restricting them to the selected audience only.

Read more: Twitter seems to explore Facebook-style emoji reaction

Twitter always sets it’s goals high, reportedly Twitter is said to aim addition of 123 million more Monetizable Daily Active Users (mDAU), taking it from 192 million now to 315 million in 2023. As per the past and current stats, Twitter has maintained around  83 million mDAU over the last three years. the company is planning to double its revenue, i.e.rising from $3.7 billion in 2020 to at least $7.5 billion in 2023.

To bring it into existence Twitter needs some modified advanced and enhanced tools, which can also be seen as Twitter’s development momentum has gone into overdrive of late, with new tools like Fleets, Spaces, subscriptions, up and downvotes on tweets and Twitter communities. This all seems like the stage of live testing.

Recently, Twitter has also enabled its “Undo” feature which is restricted to paid users only. There is no update as to when will Twitter let the feature enabled for all the users except for the paid ones.

You may also like: Twitter confirms testing for a paid “Undo Tweet” feature

source: Techjuice




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