Senate Finance Committee Chairman Saleem Mandviwalla recently made a striking statement during a meeting, claiming that “everyone in the country is consuming hashish.” The remark regarding rising hashish consumption in Pakistan came during discussions on the Hemp Control and Regulatory Authority Bill, flaring arguments on the widespread use of cannabis in Pakistan. The committee, along with officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology, discussed the health impacts and the potential economic benefits of hemp cultivation.

Rising Hashish Consumption in Pakistan

Mandviwalla’s comment, “Everyone in the country is consuming hashish,” stressed the growing concerns regarding cannabis use. During the meeting, the Ministry of Science officials expressed the need to assess the intoxication levels of hashish. They suggested that hashish consumption falls under recreational use to some extent, whis has drawn attention to the major issue of substance use in Pakistan and whether its regulation should be reconsidered.

Economic Potential of Hemp and Hashish

While addressing the Hemp Control and Regulatory Authority Bill, officials emphasized the economic benefits of hemp cultivation. Hemp, currently grown on 50,000 acres in Pakistan, can be used for cotton production and improving soil fertility. The officials also speculated that legalizing hashish could generate up to $5 billion in revenue. However, disagreements between the ministries of Science and Anti-Narcotics over regulation roles delayed progress, leaving the Ministry of Defence to take charge of this sector. As the debate continues, the potential economic and social impacts of hashish legalization remain a key focus for policymakers.

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