Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah inaugurated the S-4 Smart Surveillance System, highlighting its role in restoring law and order. The innovative system will enhance the security framework by using advanced technology, including facial recognition, to monitor and control entry and exit points across the region.

Advanced Monitoring with S-4 Smart Surveillance System

The S-4 Smart Surveillance System, introduced alongside the Police Health Insurance Scheme, represents a major step toward creating a safer environment. At the inauguration ceremony at the CPO Karachi, CM Shah emphasized the seamless integration of safety measures within the Safe City Project. The S-4 system will utilize latest technology to oversee entry and exit points, significantly contributing to crime reduction.

The Sindh government has allocated Rs1.567 billion for the procurement of camera systems from the National Radio Transmission Corporation (NRTC). Modern cameras have been installed at 40 toll plazas throughout Sindh, including 18 in Karachi. A central control room and fusion system at the CPO Data Centre will provide real-time alerts and monitoring capabilities. The S-4 project is expected to assist in apprehending over 80,000 fugitives through its two primary programs: Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and Facial Recognition (FR).

Comprehensive Security and Technological Integration

The S-4 Smart Surveillance System is a comprehensive security initiative, incorporating advanced AI and analytical tools for intelligence and uninterrupted connectivity at each toll plaza. The Rs1.5 billion system is equipped with high-resolution cameras capable of facial recognition and automated number plate checks, transmitting live feeds to a central command and control room. This allows for the instant identification of stolen vehicles and individuals with criminal records.

The system’s deployment includes 183 9-megapixel ANPR cameras and 209 8-megapixel cameras for driver identification, with solar power installations and battery backups ensuring continuous operation. Moreover, mobile patrol units will be stationed near toll plazas, ready to respond immediately through the computer-aided dispatch system.

Also read: Sindh Police Deploys Facial Recognition Cameras to Curb Harassment Cases


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