
This time of the year again brings the official report released by, GitHub, the world’s largest software development and collaboration platform, the report titled as The State of the Octoverse. The report informs the open-source activity that has been taking place around the world over the past 12 months. The main focus behind publishing this report is to encourage open-source culture and to emphasize the significance of contributing to open-source projects, specifically in developing countries.


This year, Pakistan has been ranked among the top 10 countries in terms of percentage growth of open source projects on GitHub, year on year. The past few days have brought colossal achievements as Pakistan has bagged the most top 50 finishes in TopTal, and GitHub releases this report informing that the country’s developers have been among the most active contributors to top open-source projects on the platform.



Coming in at #6 in the report’s “Top countries and regions percentage growth in contributions since last year” rankings, Pakistan boasts an impressive 51.5% growth in open-source contributions since last year. Nigeria takes the lead with a boost of 65.9% in open-source code contributions over this year.


Pakistan’s surpassing the expectations in open-source contributions can mainly be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it played role in compelling more people to work remotely, therefore, increasing their activity on GitHub and online spaces in general.

Moreover, awareness concerning open-source projects and their value to the community has increased as well, courtesy of schemes like the GitHub Campus Program.


GitHub’s State of the Octoverse is an annual report that explores a whole year of GitHub highlights and provides insights into developer productivity, security, and how communities developed over the course of the year. According to this year’s report, more than 60 million repositories have been created and over 1.9 billion contributions have been added in total since last year.


Image Source: TechJuice

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